Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back to Base...

Just when I thought everything was back to normal and was enjoying life, some idiot had to come and spoil all the happiness we were having. One sometimes wonders why do some people try and destroy friendships and try and be imposing and actually gain a pleasure out of it, I just don't get it!!! Anyways, I told my friend to go fly a kite with the new BFF and to bother me ever again!!! I guess being single, lonely and friendless is the best solution inlife, no one to bother you, no one to interfere with you nor with your life no one you need to think of a second time and the list continues... I am sooooooooooooooooooooo enjoying this period of my life!!!!


Chaga Fernando said...

People are different and Life is unfair, we all have to get use to that idea. Dont judge everyone just cuz some idiot spoiled your happiness. u knw that we are always there for u. no matter what. dont ever think that you are alone. That's why u have friends. i hope u get over this soon cuz its not healthy.

NOTE: Learn from ur mistakes.

Hisham said...

thnx alooooooooot gal, yeh im totally over it nw!!!