Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Bucket List

Things To Do:

ü Been in a rain forest

ü Been lost

ü Been on a plane

ü Blown bubbles

ü Cried yourself to sleep

ü Done something you told yourself you would not

ü Gone on a blind date

ü Gone to the movies

ü Hit someone on the face with your fist

ü Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your mouth

ü Lay down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets

ü Lived in more than one country

ü Made prank phone calls

ü Met with an accident in a vehicle

ü Paid for a meal with coins only

ü Played cops and robbers

ü Recently colored with crayons

ü Ridden on a cable car

ü Sang Karaoke

ü Seen whales in the ocean

ü Skipped school

ü Swam in the ocean

ü Traveled by motorcycle

ü Traveled by train

ü Watched someone die

ü Watched the sunrise with someone

ü Written a letter to Santa Claus

Been bitten by a spider

Been deep sea fishing

Been horseback riding

Been in a hot air balloon

Been kissed under the mistletoe

Been on a cruise

Been on a helicopter

Been sky diving

Been snow-skiing

Been to a wax museum

Been to the Olympics

Been water-skiing

Caught a snake with your bare hands

Caught a snowflake on your tongue

Danced in the rain naked

Gone bungee jumping

Gone ice-skating

Gone snowmobiling

Gone scuba diving

Had porcupine meat for Lunch

Ridden on an elephant

Seen a falling star and made a wish

Taken a close up picture with a celebrity

Watched a turtle lay eggs

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